Monday, April 03, 2006

Episode 07 - Rapid Fire Scrum

Topics Covered:

Parliament Opens: Milliken re-elected as Speaker of the House, Throne speech expected on Tuesday, Question Period begins on Wednesday, Accountability Act likely tabled early next week.
More Mouth-Offs: Singer Morrissey compares seal hunt to holocaust and cuts Canadian concert dates, MP Mayes writes that bad journalists should be jailed in Op-Ed and then retracts.
Middle-East Tension: Afghanistan's constitution mashes-up theocracy and democracy, Canada cuts support to Palestine's Hamas-led government, Israel elects new Prime Minister, Iran showcases weapons as its relationship with Russia worries the West.
Liberal Leadership: Jeremy reports on Ignatieff's "vision speech", controversial views on torture.

Relevant Links:

Milliken re-elected Speaker as Parliament resumes
Slate's Explainer on Hunting Seals
Tory MP retracts suggesting jailing bad journalists
The Torture Toolkit
Harper must let his ministers take the heat
"Not a red cent to Hamas"
Ignatieff's Speech Transcript (note: does not contain ad lib regarding protesters)


At 9:21 AM, April 04, 2006, Blogger Russell McOrmond said...

There are translators in a booth behind the opposition side (behind where the Bloc is sitting). Not sure what the folks talking into the unusual microphones are doing, and I would be interested in finding out.

I also can't separate the politics of a musician from the music. They may be artists, but they are also businesses, and the only way we have to express our disagreement with businesses that are "technically" obeying the law is to vote with our feet and not buy their product. I stopped buying major label music and major studio movies back in 2000 , starting with Metallica (See I'll listen to the radio and go to a theatre (not that the major studios come out with much worth watching), but won't buy CDs, DVDs or VHS media from them.

I'll leave some of the world politics issues, such as what is ongoing in the middle-east, to conversations over beer.

As I'm listening to your podcast I have CPAC on, and there is a speech from Ignatieff on March 30'th. There is a group of people dressed up to be prisoners with black hoods over their heads, holding signs saying "Canadians don't support torture. Ignatieff does". Interesting.


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