Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Episode 10 - The Mystical Powers of Santa Claus

Topics Covered:

Census Day: The government successfully prevents people from finding out how the census is secured.
Creative Commons primer, The alternative to copyright, Piracy questioned, The 4 ways of stealing, The friends and enemies of modern music.
Afghanistan Vote:
Jeremy weighs in via email.
Dissin' the Judiciary: Vellacott's vexing vernacular.

Relevant Links:

Smashing Pumpkins, "Machina II - The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music"
Can I Get an Ahmen?
Creative Commons Canada
Canadian Census controversy continues
Debating Maurice Vellacott

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Episode 09 - Flip Flop Hip Hop

Topics Covered:

QP Round-up: Flippant MPs drop a crop of flip flops, Official orator of the opposition, Heckling unhinged.
Online Census: Security questioned, Do you trust the government just because they are the government?
Tory Times: Bland budget, Walking the line on Quebec, Wise words on the softwood settlement from the PM before he was the PM, McKay in Afghanistan.

Relevant Links:

UK Question Time
McKay in Afghanistan
Liberal Candidate Logos on Wikipedia
Ambrose on Rick Mercer Report [Video]
Made in Canada