Digital Rights: Learning from C-60, antiquated tariffs on recordable media afford users no rights. Technological Issues: A national do-not-call list: easier said than done, securing public trust in Canada's first online census. Supreme Court Committee: Good or bad.. or just useless?
The Conservative Cabinet: Emerson crosses over, Fortier elected to Senate, Turner hushed. Liberal Leadership: Wide open race for leadership, Graham named leader of the opposition. David Wilkins: U.S. ambassador crosses swords then retreats. Controversial Cartoons: Mohammed caricatures spark outrage.
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All episodes are distributed under a creative commons licence. Theme music is "Funkitude" by laMundial and is distributed under a creative commons licence.
The Parliament Hillbillies; your podcast for Canadian politics and the goin's-on here in Ottawa.
Through this series we bring the fun world of politics into the mainstream through weekly commentary on Question Period, legislation, house votes and other political happenin's on the hill. Don't forget the scandals, floor crossings and parliamentary brawls!
The Parliament Hillbillies: because not every podcast can be from California, and not every political podcast oughta be about Bush.